013 - Introduction to Emotional Words for Sales Copy.mp4
013 - Introduction to Emotional Words for Sales Copy.mp3
In this lesson, the power of emotionally charged words in sales copywriting is discussed. The instructor shares a resource - an article about emotional trigger words that spark curiosity and boost conversions. The science behind emotional triggers in decision making is explained, referencing the work of Antonio DiMasio, a renowned neuroscientist. The interplay between logic and emotion in decision making is discussed, with emotions being likened to the "steering wheel" of our lives. The lesson also delves into the different emotions that writers can tap into to engage their readers. In the next part of the lesson, practical examples of emotional words that can be used in sales copy are promised.
In the world of sales copywriting, the power of emotional words cannot be underestimated. These words can inspire a wide range of emotions in your audience, enhancing their experience and driving them to take action.
One particularly useful resource in this area is a comprehensive article titled "99+ Emotional Trigger Words That Spark Curiosity and Boost Conversions". This article delves into the science behind emotional triggers and the role they play in decision making, backed by research from renowned neuroscientist Antonio DiMasio.
DiMasio's research reveals that humans do not make decisions solely based on cognitive reasoning. Instead, there's an interplay between our emotional governing center (the limbic system) and the more evolved area of contemplation (prefrontal cortex). This interplay between logic and emotion is integral to the decision-making process.
Interestingly, emotions can be likened to the "steering wheel" of our lives. They guide us towards the situations we imagine will make us happiest in the future. For example, when choosing between red socks and blue socks, your decision is likely influenced by which color you imagine will make you happiest in the situations you'll wear them.